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Use of Standard soils


Standard soils are used especially for permission studies according to GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) investigating leaching, degradation and metabolism, influence on soil microflora and fauna, adsorption/desorption characteristics of pesticides in soils as well as for pot experiments and other investigations in the laboratory and in the field. In guidelines of the German JKI (Julis-Kühn-Institut) and other relating guidelines (OECD) soils with certain characteristics are recommended. Moreover our Standard soils are also used in very different experiments not concerning pesticides.

For these purposes LUFA Speyer offers Standard soil types differing especially in their organic matter content, particle size distribution and pH-value (see table 1).


Advantages of using Standard soils for experimentators and authorities

Using Standard soils from LUFA Speyer has several advantages:

  • long time availability and therefore comparability of tests from different years and/or with different pesticides
  • no difficulty in searching, procuring, preparing and care of suitable soils
  • short dated delivery with all needed data concerning location, history, treatment, sampling (according to GLP)
  • supplied field fresh with active microflora, stored (air dried) or damped (extra charge on demand).

Our soils are not mixed together from single components, but are natural soils of commonly occuring soil types from selected areas in Germany. They are under agricultural use without application of pesticides, biocidal fertilizers or organic manure for at least 5 years. Mineral fertilizers are used no more than 3 month before sampling. The soils are normally sampled from 0-20 cm depth, prepared and sieved with a 2 mm screen.


Prices (packing included)


July 31, 2024


August 1, 2024

standard soil per kg

    10.00 EUR

          11.00 EUR

extra charge for smaller quantities 1 - 10 kg

(per soil type)

29.00 EUR

30.00 EUR

extra charge for small quantities 11 - 20 kg

(per soil type)

23.00 EUR

30.00 EUR

extra charge for field fresh sampling

(per soil type)

56.00 EUR

59.00 EUR

soil damping

(per each container up to 25 kg)

22.00 EUR

25.00 EUR

surcharge for additional services

50.00 EUR

50.00 EUR 

additionally freight costs and VAT apply



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